Long day at work and a regrettable conversation with your partner or kids?  Sound familiar?  Yes, it can happen to us all.  Long grinding days at the office or in life can produce our worst selves at the worst times.  Here's the rub, it may not just be a bad day.  You could be among the 1.4MM reported black men with diagnosed depression or even worse, under reported anxiety or PTSD.  Most black men and black culture frown upon therapy or other formal modes of mental health support.  This should and is changing, but not for everyone.  For others, as the American Psychological Association reports, yoga and meditation can be amazing ways to create more calm and patience in our lives as B Dads.  The psychological benefits of a little "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" can go a long way.  

Maybe the next workout or visit to the track can be replaced with a stop at the local yoga studio for some calm and patience that fuels our lives as B Dads. If interested in starting your journey of understanding the benefits of Yogic practice, this article at apa.org proved to be a great start.  


Jason Smith