
3 years ago, I remember waking up at 3:30am, preparing for another weekly flight to New York for work and feeling anxious, tired, sluggish, and totally unclear.  This wasn't an uncommon feeling.  With constant travel for working B Dads, there can be a lot of late night meals, steak dinners with clients, bagels on the airplanes.  It's tough to keep a healthy diet that keeps both your body and mind clean.  It's even tougher when the process of eating involves absolutely no consciousness around how what you eat not only impacts you, but the world around you.  How your meal preparation and care for food, can have dramatic impacts on relationships, self realization, and the dynamics between a B Dad and his family.  I'm not perfect, and there are times when my oldest son and I may have a slice of pizza in front of a TV screen.  When we do, there's a noticeable difference than that of our normal nightly dinners around the table.  The nights we all play a role in preparing our food, our place settings, and the dialogue we conduct at the table.  From how we prepare our food, to the nutrients in food and how it impacts our minds, to our overall mindset's impact on food dynamics - Oprah and Michael Pollan discuss the power of conscious eating in one her recent Super Soul Sunday Conversations.  A great listen for B Dads looking to enhance their quality of diet and cognitive approach to eating with their families.  

Jason Smith